D2C Marketing Opportunities that Senior Attorneys Present to Growing Law Firms – Q&A: 2 Tips for How to Utilize a Senior Attorney’s Digital Value


During the Q&A session, Chip LaFleur, President of LaFleur & author of Digital Marketing for Law Firms, Guy Alvarez, Esq., Founder & CEO of Good2BSocial, Stacey E. Burke, Esq., Founder of Stacey E. Burke, P.C., and Matt Green, Chief Strategy Officer of Juris Digital return to discuss the following:

2 Tips for How to Utilize a Senior Attorney’s Digital Value”

LaFleur recommends that Growing Law Firms identify the highest performing pages of a Senior Attorney’s website to retain or redirect for the benefit of the Growing Law Firms that Senior Attorneys join.

Alvarez discusses the practical necessity of adding a Senior Attorney’s clients to multiple social networks for Growing Law Firms to then leverage those connections.

Burke recommends that Growing Law Firms consolidate a Senior Attorney’s digital assets (egs. references in professional associations, trade industry groups, articles published, awards received, digital citations to their names, etc.) for the purpose of adding that digital value to the Growing Law Firm that a Senior Attorney joins.

Green points out the value of Google My Business, explaining that a Senior Attorney’s new office or former office location can add value to geographic centric Google searches.

Poock adds the “win-win” that a Senior Attorney’s digital value presents to Growing Law Firms, where: (1) Senior Attorneys have clients, referral sources, subject matter knowledge, and good will, including digital good will; and (2) Growing Law Firms have the know-how to effectively lead multi-channel, digital marketing campaigns to attract the types of new clients that Senior Attorneys deserve to represent at this point in their careers.

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