Reason #4: The Quality of Life Benefits after Selling a Law Practice

The fourth reason to sell your law firm this year:

The quality of life benefits that Senior Attorneys & their families experience after selling a law practice

As Jeremy E. Poock, Esq. explains, when Senior Attorneys sell their practices to Growing Law Firms, they often continue practicing at those firms, which results in the following 3 major quality of life benefits:

  1. No Payroll, No Rent Checks & No Need to Practice at the Office: By joining a Growing Law Firm, Senior Attorneys no longer need to “make payroll,” or worry about monthly rent.
    Post-2020, Senior Attorneys can also practice remotely because they no longer need to “run the office.”

  2. Benefits of Practicing with Younger, Talented Lawyers: Growing Law Firms often have multiple attorneys with 5-10+ years experience to whom Senior Attorneys can transfer the trust of their clients and rely upon to capably represent their clients’ legal matters.

  3. Spend More Time Outside of the Office: Upon joining a Growing Law Firm, Senior Attorneys can spend more time outside the office, including: (i) Spending more time with family; (ii) Finally going on a 3 week vacation; and (iii) Having the time to pursue the hobby that Senior Attorneys wish that they had time to do.

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