The Quality of Life Benefits to Senior Attorneys after Joining Growing Law Firms

In this video, Attorney Harold Kestenbaum of Spadea Lignana Franchise Attorneys discusses the following quality of life benefits that Kestenbaum has enjoyed since joining Spadea Lignana:

  1. No More Making Payroll or Paying Rent: As Kestenbaum states, “I don't have to worry about paying the rent, or that the rent is going up. I don't have to worry about getting my staff raises and worrying about them quitting on me . . . I don't have any of those burdens now.”

  2. Benefit of Practicing Remotely: As Kestenbaum explains, he can now work from home, including joining our In 7 Minutes episode from his winter home office in Florida, rather than his New York home office

  3. Value of a “Deeper Bench:” By joining a Growing Law Firm with multiple franchise attorneys, Kestenbaum now benefits from a “deep bench” of franchise attorneys who can competently represent Kestenbaum’s clients. As Kestenbaum shares: “I had an old client of mine yesterday asked me if we have the bandwidth to take on 2 new clients. I said, "of course." I mean, we've got 8 lawyers in the firm. So, I keep bringing them in, and they keep doing the work. It’s a beautiful match.”

  4. Spending More Time with Family: Kestenbaum explains how joining Spadea Lignana Franchise Attorneys has improved his work-life balance, including practicing during the winter months in Florida where his kids and grandchildren can come to visit. As Kestenbaum states, “[T]he work-life balance has really added many, many more years to my practice. The word retirement isn't even in my vocabulary.”

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