Benefit #1: No Longer Manage “The Office”

In this video segment, Harold L. Kestenbaum, Esq., who joined Spadea Lignana Franchise Attorneys in 2019, addresses the following question:

What has it been like as you continue practicing full-time without needing to manage “the Office?”

As Harold explains, the change has “been unbelievable for me.”

“Before the merger, I was in the office every day . . . I managed about 4 or 5 paralegals and a lawyer, and every time they had a problem, they came to me. I had to worry about payroll. I had to worry about paying the rent. It was burden, and plus I had to bring in the business and do the work.”

In response to Jeremy E. Poock, Esq.’s question about what Harold focuses on post-merger, Harold shares that he focuses almost singularly upon business development.

As Harold states, “I am basically the rainmaker. I am chief devolvement officer, if you will. All I do is sign-up new clients. It’s the greatest thing in the world. I love it.”

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