How Growing Law Firms Maximize the Business Development Opportunities that Senior Attorneys Present

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Growing Law Firms have the capability and interest to build upon a Senior Attorney’s client list and referral source list to achieve the 1 + 1 = 7 business development opportunities that Senior Attorneys presents.

As Senior Attorney Match’s Jeremy E. Poock, Esq. points out, Growing Law Firms have the ability to market to a Senior Attorney’s client list and referral sources via multi-channel digital marketing (egs. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter YouTube, and more), as well as leverage a Senior Attorney’s subject matter knowledge via post-2020 digital media (egs. e-mail campaigns, podcasts, videos, and more).

In addition, Zoom presents a post-2020 digital platform to facilitate the “Trust Transfer” of a Senior Attorney’s clients to lawyers at the Growing Law Firm that a Senior Attorney joins.

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